PRESS RELEASE: AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine debuts!
Press Release: AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine Debuts!
October 1st, 2021 the high-end personal hi-fi and audio review website has launched its debut issue of the AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine. The new digital magazine will feature written reviews, recommendations, columns, video music reviews, and video equipment reviews. Advertisers, whether in the industry as well as other providers of high-end goods—furniture, art, automobiles, etc.—will be able to show their products via video advertisements.
The AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine has been beautifully designed by the Wabi Sabi Design Group—a group started and run by Mr. Heartsong—which has utilized art throughout, initially, to cover the lack of full advertising subscription. But as the response to the art has been immediate and compelling, the magazine will become an ever-changing digital art gallery as well. As its Editor-in-Chief—Kermit E. Heartsong—says, “I am a music lover and an art lover and not wanting so much bare ad space, I decided to embrace my other love— art—to beautifully fill the gap and it has. I’d like to keep it that way.”
The AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine informs, literally, moves, not unlike the papers in Harry Potter books and movies and it talks to you, which not even the Harry Potter newspapers did. And in its second issue, it will also provide video component reviews, and columns from noted industry insiders, who’ve played the long game in the audio business! It is, to date, the first of its kind.
The magazine will go out to upwards nearly 200,000 readers over its first two issues and the parent company— begun a targeted, social media campaign to bring its attention to music lovers, audiophiles, and art lovers alike. Welcome then to AudioKeyREVIEWS! Magazine Cheers!
For Press inquiries please contact:
Rain Jordan, Director of Marketing and Advertising Sales