TOP headphone amps


The various headphone amplifiers (non-electrostatic) listed below are our subjective picks for the top headphone amplifiers in the world, based upon our reviews. That said, the list is a dynamic list and as we review new headphone amplifiers that we feel deserve a spot on the list, the list and the ranking will change to accommodate the new headphone amplifier. Things do change.

The ALLNIC AUDIO OTL/OCL HPA 10000 compels one to listen and to be rewarded by one of the most transparent, beautifully resolved, natural, and musically engaging headphone amplifiers that this reviewer has listened to, owned, or reviewed to date. And the surprising thing is that this also takes into account electrostatic HPAs, which had served as a revered “third rail” untouchable given their rather potent bona fides. The ALLNIC HPA 10000 has de-electrified that third rail. MSRP $17,500

The HeadAmp CFA3 is a truly exceptional headphone amplifier and, dare I say, there are no other such headphone amplifiers that can compete at easily twice its price, if not far more. Its impressive 15-watts of power into 50-ohms allow it to easily drive even the most inefficient headphone on the planet, with headroom to spare. And of its many superb traits, the CFA3 can even “out-electrostat,” perhaps, all but the very best electrostatic headphone amplifiers… Special Edition: $4,999

The Aurorasound HEADA headphone amplifier is musical from ‘Square One,’ ‘Jump Street,’ ‘Scratch’ or, practically, as soon as you turn it on, though it gets worlds better, thereafter. It is a beautifully, carefully designed, endgame component to pass down. Or perhaps to take to the other side. Solid state dynamics, resolution, detail retrieval, spaciousness married to tube liquidity, with remarkable tone/timbre/texture, offer #%$*@!musical bliss. What more could one ask for? $2,999

If headphones are your domain, the AMP-23R may well move beyond any solid state headphone amplifier in terms of its “sound” and with 4 watts on tap, even the Grandmother of inefficient headphones (they know who they are) will find themselves sailing along with great ease, and you with great enjoyment of them. $5,500

I did not expect to be as impressed as I am with the PASS LABS HPA-1, given its 2016-17 introduction and the various technical improvements that have come to other headphone amplifiers made in the interim, but time has not touched the viability, technical prowess, or wonderful musicality of the PASS LABS HPA-1. In truth, it has few rivals among those I’ve reviewed in recent years, regardless of price. $3,695

Whether yours is a full-fledged stereo system that spans the width of a room’s wall where the Tambaqui is DAC or your system sits on small table, beside your most favorite chair, with Tambaqui as Headphone Amp/DAC, you will be more than well served. Know that in addition to its TOTL abilities as a DAC/Streamer, the Mola Mola Tambaqui is an impressive headphone amplifier as well able to accommodate both 6.3mm and XLR (4-pin) headphone connections.  $13,500

Short signal paths, a minimum of optimized parts, that are able to discern temperature and voltage shifts and correct them in milliseconds, a MPU-50 Stepped Attenuator, and EXICON MOSFETS all equal the JET SATRI CIRCUIT. And what this translates to is superb musical reproduction, that is organic, natural, lightening fast, transparent, and captivating! Bravo! The Bakoon AMP-13R is a form-follows-function, work of modern art. Further, the AMP-13R is incredibly transparent, of a natural/organic musicality, and wondrously engaging. It is our latest DIAMOND award winner. MSRP $6,000

The HeadAmp GS-X MkII is an exceptional headphone amplifier that not only outperforms its GS-X Mini sibling, but a goodly number of headphone amplifiers that have come my way for review these past years, some being a good deal more expensive. $3,299

The LTA Z10e is, perhaps, one of the most versatile integrated/headphone amplifiers on the market today. It is certainly the most versatile headphone amplifier that I have ever come across. And it will align beautifully with all headphones types and technologies—Dynamic, Planar, Electrostatic, and even IEMs! And, I understand, it even drives efficient speakers (90dB+) too. $6,950

The HeadAmp GS-X Mini offers up prodigious detail, and resolves beautifully with a richness and natural warmth that are both beguiling and compelling. It has one of the best dynamic ranges that I’ve come across at its price point. And, as I stated above, though there are better headphone amps, they come at multiples of its price. $1,795