Once more into the breach and the exciting and very musical world of electrostatic transducers via the MURAUDIO SP1 speakers ($19,500) as allied to the CONSTELLATION AUDIO Inspiration stereo amplifier ($16,000), and the EXASOUND Delta Music Server Mark II ($2,999—little black box on the right) and its S82 DSD512 Stereo Streaming DAC ($6,499).
It was another case, in what was a relatively small show, of the various components coming together to create as my notes state, “A transparent, breathtakingly musical sound with lightening fast transients, and a remarkable depth of soundstage.”
In truth, I did not expect so many rooms and their respective systems to be making such great music. Not that every room was up to the task, this was not the case, but the percentage of rooms that were was somewhat of an anomaly. Show rooms and the systems therein are not supposed to do this! Bravo then to MURAUDIO, CONSTELLATION AUDIO, and EXASOUND.