If this room were a fairytale it would be The Giant and the Dwarf. The giant, of course, being the SOUNDLABS speakers and the dwarf the various Mytek components.
Interestingly, the SOUNDLABS Majestic speakers were capable of incredible subtlety and grace. And there was an ease with the Mytek components that was very reminiscent of analog with wonderful texture and nuance and it was all quite musical.
My notes reflect very good center image fill, great vocal intimacy, though the staging given the size of these speaker as well as the dynamics were quite limited. I imagine music that was too dynamic would, literally, force people from the room, if not that section of the hotel.
You get the idea of the speakers and the potential of them with the Mytek gear, but they were far too big and the room far too small. What music was had though, was good.
The components of the MyTek system:
MyTek Empire Streamer ($19,995)
MyTek Empire Monoblocks ($9,995)
SOUNDLABS Majestic ($15,015)